Membership Benefits

CPGPS Membership Benefits

All CPGPS members can enjoy all following benefits:

1. Meet GPS professionals worldwide and consult GPS related questions among members;

2. Exchange ideas among members on information, knowledge, scientific research and applications of satellite positioning and navigation systems;

3. Promote products and achievements in research and development of GPS technologies among members;

4. Receive Journal of Global Positioning Systems and CPGPS newsletters free;

5. Enjoy discounts on services offered by CPGPS and its members such as attending CPGPS conferences, getting publications of CPGPS members, etc.;

6. Eligible for travel assistances to attend an international conference, best paper awards etc.

GNSS professionals, students, and anyone interested in Global Navigation Satellite System or satellite positioning and navigation technologies, regardless of nationality, are welcome to join CPGPS.

  • GNSS professionals, students, and anyone interested in Global Navigation Satellite System
  • or satellite positioning and navigation technologies, regardless of nationality, are welcome
  • to join CPGPS.All members must recognize and follow the CPGPS Bylaws
  • TEL:(403) 220-8150


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