CPGPS Journal

The Journal of Global Positioning Systems (JoGPS) is a peer-reviewed international journal for the publication of original research papers, review articles, invited contributions, also including selected papers presented at non-referred conferences and symposiums. Articles shouldpresent discussions of technologies and applications of any positioning systems, including Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) andtheir various augmentations and local components, indoor positioning, and inertial navigation systems. Articles presenting advances of otherrelated areas, such as wireless communications, intelligent vehicle systems, sensor networks, spatial information and geosciences are alsowelcome. Short research and technical notes, book reviews, lecture series and commercial advertisements can be included. Specific questions about the suitability of prospective manuscripts may be directed to the Editor-in-Chief.

Editoral and Advisory Board

JGPS Editoral Board

Publication and Copyright

The Journal of Global Positioning Systems is an official publication of the International Association of Chinese Professionals in Global Positioning Systems (CPGPS). It is published twice a year, in June and December. The Journal is available in both print version (ISSN 1446-3156)and CD-ROM version (ISSN 1446-3164), which can be accessed through the CPGPS website at Whilst CPGPS owns all the copyright of all text material published in the Journal, the authors are responsible for the views and statements expressed in their papers and articles. Neither the authors, the editors nor CPGPS can accept any legal responsibility for the contents published in the journal.

Subscriptions and Advertising

Membership with CPGPS includes the subscription to the Journal during the period of membership. Subscriptions from non-members and advertising inquiries should be directed to:

CPGPS Headquarters,

Department of Geomantic Engineering

The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

T2N 1N4

Fax: 403-284-1980


Instructions to Authors

Click here to read the instructions in detail. For further information about JGPS, please read the latest publications available below.

GNSS professionals, students, and anyone interested in Global Navigation Satellite System or satellite positioning and navigation technologies, regardless of nationality, are welcome to join CPGPS.

  • GNSS professionals, students, and anyone interested in Global Navigation Satellite System
  • or satellite positioning and navigation technologies, regardless of nationality, are welcome
  • to join CPGPS.All members must recognize and follow the CPGPS Bylaws
  • TEL:(403) 220-8150


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