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CPGPS Presidential Election for 2023-2024
Dear CPGPS members, On behalf of the CPGPS President Election Committees, we are glad to announce that two nominations for the CPGPS Presidential Candidate 2023-2024 have been received. The two nomine ...

分类:    | 2022-12-2 15:35

CPGPS Presidential Election for 2023-2024
CPGPS Presidential Election for 2023-2024!!! Click Here!!

分类:    | 2022-11-13 17:09

Vol. 18(2022), Issue 1 is released now!!!
Vol. 18 (2022), Issue 1 is released now!!! Click Here!!

分类:    | 2022-10-20 10:53

Vol. 17 (2021), Issue 2 is released now!!!
Vol. 17 (2021), Issue 2 is released now!!! Click Here!!

分类:    | 2022-3-25 20:13

早在16世纪,航海家们为了避免迷航,要必备三件导航“利器”:航海图、指南针、经纬仪。进入20世纪后,航天技术的发展为我们带来了全球定位系统(GPS),它提供的几十米、十几米的定位精度被迅速应用于军事、民用领 ...

分类:    | 2021-12-11 20:04

国之重器中国北斗,实现厘米级毫米级定位,原理竟然如此简单 ...
在2020年10月14日的时候,中国北斗2.0更新,与1.0相比,民用定位提高了1.2米,精度更是GPS的4-5倍,若装配车载天线,精度可达到亚米级别。而且全部免费!这意味着中国卫星导航系统已达到世界领先水平。目前,全世界 ...

分类:    | 2021-12-11 20:02

2020 CPGPS Forum
Topic:New Ideas, New Technologies and New Applications of Satellite Navigation

分类:    | 2021-10-6 22:12

2019 CPGPS Summer School
Introduction:The summer school takes "Beidou satellite navigation and positioning cutting-edge technology" as the theme, and the content covers two links: expert lectures and Beidou navigation innovat ...

分类:    | 2021-10-6 22:06


分类:    | 2021-10-5 15:56


  • GNSS professionals, students, and anyone interested in Global Navigation Satellite System
  • or satellite positioning and navigation technologies, regardless of nationality, are welcome
  • to join CPGPS.All members must recognize and follow the CPGPS Bylaws
  • TEL:(403) 220-8150
  • gao@geomatics.ucalgary.ca


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