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Journal of Global Positioning Systems
Vol. 18, No. 1, 2022
ISSN 1446-3156 (Print Version)
ISSN 1446-3164 (CD Version)
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JGPS Team Structure, Copyright and Table of Contents |
JGPS Team Structure, Copyright
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Table of Contents
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1. An indoor magnetic field matching positioning solution based on consumer-grade IMU for smartphone |
Jian Kuang, Taiyu Li and and Xiaoji Niu
See Abstract and PDF file
Magnetic field matching positioning
(MFMP) has become one of the mainstream indoor
positioning methods for mass application. However,
the problem of the large workload of magnetic field
mapping and the instability of the magnetometer bias
remains to be solved. This paper designs an indoor
MFMP scheme based on consumer-grade Inertial
Measurement Units (IMUs). In the magnetic field
mapping stage, the high-precision poses of the
smartphone obtained by combining a foot-mounted
IMU, a smartphone built-in IMU, and a few control
points in the building are employed to generate a
magnetic field grid map with high efficiency. In the
real-time positioning stage, the relative trajectory
generated by pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) is
used to improve the position discrimination of the
magnetic field feature by adding spatial profile; and
the differential magnetic field strength in the sensor
frame (instead of in the reference frame) is used to
achieve matching positioning that is immune to the
magnetometer bias. The consistency of the magnetic
field maps built using different smartphones show
that the proposed magnetic mapping scheme achieves
an average efficiency of 37 m2
/min and is not
affected by the mapping trajectory and walking speed. The real-time positioning results using multiple
smartphones show that the proposed MFMP
algorithm is barely affected by the magnetometer bias,
and can achieve an average RMS value of ±0.83
meters in a typical office scenario.
2. Estimation and analysis of BDS-3 multi-frequency differential code bias using MGEX observations |
Haijun Yuan, Zhuoming Hu, Xiufeng He and Zhetao Zhang
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Differential code bias (DCB) significantly
affects the ionosphere modeling, precise positioning,
and navigation applications when using code
observations. With the fully completed BeiDou
navigation satellite system (BDS-3), there exist various
DCBs of new frequencies and types which should be
handled. However, limited types of DCB products for
BDS-3 are provided by the analysis institutions (e.g.,
Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) and German
Aerospace Center (DLR)). Hence, for some DCB
corrections of new frequencies, they are generally
generated by complex linear combinations, which are
not friendly to users and may degrade the accuracy. In
this study, the estimation method of DCB for BDS-3 is
introduced first. Then, the BDS-3 observations from 40
globally distributed stations are selected to estimate the
DCBs, including 19 types of DCBs of new frequencies
for BDS-3. Moreover, the estimated DCBs are
carefully analyzed in terms of inner consistency,
external consistency, and stability. For the results of
inner consistency, most closure error series are within
0.2 ns, and the closure error series of each satellite
fluctuate near zero and have no obvious systematic
deviations. For the results of external consistency, the
mean deviations of estimated DCBs of each satellite are
mainly within 0.3 ns and 0.2 ns for the common types
of DCB products of CAS and DLR, respectively. For
the results of stability, the mean values of monthly
STDs for the estimated DCBs are all smaller than 0.12
ns, which exhibits good stability. The STDs of the
directly estimated DCBs are generally smaller than that
of the DCB combinations of DLR and CAS. In this
sense, the directly estimated DCBs for BDS-3 exhibits
good performance in terms of accuracy and stability in
this study, which can further provide the DCB
corrections for precise positioning and navigation
3. A geometry-based ambiguity validation (GBAV) method for GNSS carrier phase observation |
Wu Chen, Ying Xu, Duojie Weng and Shengyue Ji
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Integer ambiguity validation is an
indispensable and critical step in GNSS carrier phase
positioning for precise and reliable positioning
applications. The crucial problems associated with any
ambiguity validation methods are as follows. 1) The
fixed ambiguity vector can be separated from all other
ambiguity candidates under certain tests (separability).
2) The probability of fixing to wrong ambiguity
combinations (mis-fixing) can be controlled to an
acceptable level based on different application
requirements. Traditional ambiguity validation methods,
such as the R-ratio and the difference tests which use
one statistical test to control both separability and misfixing rate, are widely used due to easier computation.
The performances of these methods are generally
acceptable. However, experiments show that these tests
with a fixed threshold can cause either a small
percentage of mis-fixing or overly conservative with
long observation time. In this paper, we propose a new
Geometry Based Ambiguity Validation (GBAV)
method which uses two statistical tests to control
geometry separability and mis-fixing probability
separately. The thresholds for both tests can be strictly
determined based on user requirements to control the
quality of ambiguity resolution. Three 24-hour GNSS
(GPS, BDS) datasets (two short baselines and one
middle-range baseline) are processed using the
proposed GBAV method, and compared with the
popular R-ratio method. The results show that by
giving proper control on the mis-fixing probability
(0.01%), there is no mis-fixing case in all three
4. Comparative analysis of data quality and performance index for BDS-3 constellation |
Zhipeng Ding1, Kaifei He1, Ming Li1, Yu Wu1, Yue Zhang1,Jinquan Yang
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The global BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite
System (BDS-3) was completed in July 2020. In
terms of data processing, the final positioning and
baseline solving results will be affected by the quality
of the raw observation data. Therefore, it is necessary
to analyse and evaluate the data quality of the
complete BDS-3 constellation and its service
performance. Based on all observing satellites and
the open signals from MGEX stations that can track
BDS-3, improved software is used to analyse the
complete BDS-3 constellation and signals. Moreover,
the service performance of BDS-3 is evaluated using
self-developed software. The geometric configuration
of the complete BDS-3 constellation is found to be
slightly better than that of GPS. However, the overall
multipath error is about 10 cm higher than that of
GPS, although the increased choke of the measured
maritime data effectively weakens the multipath error.
The pseudorange multipath error of each signal runs
in the order B1I>B2a>B2b>B3I>B2a+B2b>B1C;
other quality indicators exhibit little difference
among bands. In terms of service performance, the
carrier phase residuals are 0.17-0.48cm. After data
convergence, the relative positioning performance
fluctuates around 5 cm of the “true value”, although
the fluctuations in the vertical direction are up to 10
5. Innovative formulation in discrete Kalman filtering with constraints - A generic framework for comprehensive error analysis |
Jianguo Wang, Benjamin Brunson and Baoxin Hu
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This manuscript establishes a generic
framework for comprehensive error analysis in
discrete Kalman filtering with constraints, which
systematically provides a complete set of algorithmic
formulas along with demonstrating an alternative
process of theoretical analytics of discrete Kalman
filter. This constructive work aims extensively to
standardize the formulation of Kalman filter with
constraints. In analogy to the similar framework for
standard discrete Kalman filter (without any
constraints), the proposed framework specifically
considers: model formulation vs. the error sources,
the solution of the state and process noise vectors,
the residuals for the process noise vector and the
measurement noise vector, the redundancy
contribution of the predicted state vector, process
noise vector and measurement vector, and other
relevant essential aspects, of which some of the
features are essential to comprehensive error analysis,
but are nonexistent yet in the primary algorithm in
Kalman filtering with constraints. Besides, the
algorithmic form of the Extended Kalman filter with
constraints is also provided for practical purpose. At
the end, specific remarks about the developed
framework are given to emphasize on its usage to a
certain extend.
6. Bio-inspired Map Construction based on Brain Navigation Mechanism for Indoor
Yixuan Long, Fang Ye, Yibing Li, Qian Sun
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Mapping is critical for an autonomous
robot performing tasks in an unknown environment,
which provides the environment information for task
planning. Inspired by the presence of cells in the
mammals’ brain that help mammals rapidly cognize
the surroundings, considering visual ambiguity that
may be happened indoors, an orientation-independent
boundary cell model based on the boundary vector
cells in the brain is proposed to tackle the obstacle
information in the environment, and it is fused into a
metric-topological map to represent the structural
information which increases the functionality of the
map. The simulation results show that the expression
of boundaries or obstacles in the environment can be
obtained through the firing rate of boundary cells,
which enhances the information content of the map.
Meanwhile, the algorithm can build a consistent
representation of the environment with sensor noise
and achieves a root mean square error of 11.42cm in
a 16m×17m indoor environment, effectively
calibrating the sensor drift error, and ensuring the
accuracy of the map.
7. High precision positioning for pedestrian navigation in dense urban environments |
Luo Huan
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Due to reflections or blockages of GNSS satellite
signals by buildings and infrastructures, urban
positioning with GNSS is a great challenge.
Traditional receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
(RAIM) based methods are insufficient to obtain
positioning solutions with high accuracy in urban
canyons where the majority of satellite signals may
be contaminated by multipath interference and
non-line-of-sight (NLOS) reception. This thesis will
focus on the positioning performance improvement
for pedestrians using lowcost devices in urban
canyons. With the help of three-dimension (3D) city
models, GNSS positioning performance can be
improved by predicting visibility or path delays of
satellite signals. Shadow matching is a
3D-mapping-aided (3DMA) approach utilizing SNR
of satellite signals, which is available in position
(NMEA format data) and measurement (raw GNSS
measurement data) domains with a wide range of
applications. However, the performance of shadow
matching will be degraded when it fails to distinguish
the grids of neighboring streets, or when it is affected
by dynamic interference or 3D model errors. A new
weighting method, grid weight smoothing and
clustering (GWSC) method, is proposed to improve
the performance of grid identification, and
experiments in Hong Kong streets showed that the
newly proposed method improved the cross-street
accuracy of shadow matching from 19.4m to 2.1m
with a large improvement rate (IR) of 89.2%,
significantly outperforming the weighted average
(WA)-based method of 15.3m accuracy, which had an IR of 21.1%. NLOS correction-based approach is
another 3DMA method to improve overall
positioning performance by simulating reflected
paths of satellite signals in the measurement domain.
Diffraction, which is also a type of NLOS, is not
considered in the conventional reflection model. In
this study, we apply the radio signal diffraction
models to develop an improved NLOS
correction-based approach using a more
comprehensive reflection model considering more
types of NLOS, along with the GWSC method in
weighting. Through experiments, the estimated
delays were consistent with the received errors,
where over 95% of signals showed estimated errors
below 15m. Moreover, the improved approach
achieved accuracy of 7.4-15m in static tests, and
11.9m in kinematic tests, compared with up to 86.4m
by the conventional GNSS method in typical Hong
Kong streets. The proposed method showed a
significant IR between 62.7% and 89.7% of
positioning accuracy in all experiments in urban
canyons. The computation load with city 3D models
is very high as it needs to consider different satellite
constellations at different time. Moreover, many
cities may not have public 3D models available. In
this study, a novel approach, named multi-epoch
offset searching (MEOS), which does not need 3D
city models, is proposed to mitigate multipath effects.
With the implementation of measurement smoothing
and the GWSC method, the new approach can
provide high-precision positioning solutions for
pedestrians in urban canyons. It is showed that the approach achieved accuracy of within 9m and 15m in
several static and kinematic tests, respectively,
compared to the poor accuracy, up to 57.7m and
27.5m, from raw GNSS outputs from conventional
low-cost GNSS devices. The proposed method has
significant IRs up to 88.3% in static tests, while its IR
reached 47.6% in kinematic tests. To make the
positioning system more stable and robust, multiple
techniques are integrated with sensors existing in the
smartphones. The integration of GNSS-based
approaches and pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) technology improves the positioning availability and
further reduces the positioning errors. Further
integrating Bluetooth-low-energy (BLE) into the
system makes the positioning system more flexible
and effective. Owing to the proposal of BLE-based
heading estimation and improvement of step
detection, this integration system achieved a high
accuracy of within 5m in outdoor and seamless areas.
8. Research on the Underwater Vehicle Navigation Based on Bayesian Filter |
Huimin Liu
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PDF file
The underwater multi-sensor integrated
navigation technology provides guarantees for the
long-term and large-scale execution of underwater
vehicle diving missions. In multi-source navigation
information fusion, observational models and
navigation sensor noise are spatially and temporally
complex. It is of great theoretical interest and
practical value for constructing accurate functional
and stochastic models. In this paper, we focus on the
fusion of multi-source navigation information for
underwater vehicles and work on high-precision
long-baseline acoustic system filter design, nonlinear
filtering, colored noise filtering, integrated navigation
fault-tolerant design, and multi-vehicle coordinated
navigation. The work and results of this study are as
The paper is divided into seven chapters and is
structured as follows:
Chapter 1 introduces the research status of
common commercial underwater navigation sensors
at home and abroad, the development status of
filtering theory under the framework of Bayesian
filtering and the research status of underwater
integrated navigation filtering at home and abroad,
introduces the research content and technical route of the paper, and gives the chapter division of the paper.
Chapter 2 presents the filtering principle for
underwater multi-sensor integrated navigation.
Definitions and transformation relations have been
studied for commonly used underwater integrated
navigation systems, Strapdown inertial navigation
systems, Doppler logs, acoustic USBL systems, LBL
systems, and pressure sensor and measurement error
models. In this paper, we introduce the underwater
navigation sensor noise analysis method and its
mathematical foundations in the framework of
Bayesian filtering.
In Chapter 3, sound velocity estimation and
sound velocity error correction methods in LBL
acoustic localization are investigated. Considering
the delayed nature of acoustic propagation, we study
the acoustic delay of LBL systems and analyze the
PDOP problem in acoustic localization. The
underwater carrier navigation filter algorithm is
designed based on the LBL/INS loose-binding and
tight-binding modes, and the simulation experiments
are designed to validate it.
Section 4 presents the application of the
Bayesian filtering algorithm to nonlinear systems corresponding to the specific operational context of
underwater integrated navigation. In this paper, we
introduce SINS fast alignment problem under large
misalignment angle, USBL/DVL integrated
navigation under depth constraint, CKF based
compact combination algorithm for SINS/USBL, and
localization problem for nonlinear ranging equations
when acoustic ranging is short, which are validated
by simulations and experiments.
9. Research on LiDAR/INS/ODO/GNSS vehicle integrated navigation algorithm based on graph
Le Chang
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With the rapid development of digital earth and smart
city, the demand for localization-based services is
becoming urgent. However, continuous, accurate, and
reliable positioning navigation in complex
environments is a common key technical issue that
need to be solved. While GNSS positioning
deteriorates or even fails in urban canyons; the
positioning error of low-cost INS quickly diverges
over time; LiDAR has poor positioning availability
when environmental features are insufficient. In order
to improve the positioning and navigation service
capabilities, China plan to build a more ubiquitous,
more integrated, and smarter national comprehensive
PNT (Positioning, Navigation, and Timing) system in
2035. And the multi-sensor information fusion is one
of the key components of the comprehensive PNT.
Since the insufficient vertical resolution of the
low-beam LiDAR causes the degradation of
LiDAR odometry in some environments, we
propose a feature point-based probability map
matching method, which combines the advantages
of matching by feature point with a probability
map. The process extracts the ground feature points
and the non-ground feature points by segmentation. A
probability map with different resolutions will be
constructed to deal with those features, respectively, with a higher vertical resolution for the ground
feature and a higher horizontal resolution for the
non-ground part. Scan matching by a probability map
constructed by feature points minimizes the
dependence on the line and surface features in the
environment. It has been compared with the
well-known open-source LiDAR odometry, i.e.
Cartographer and LeGO-LOAM. Evaluations were
carried out in different feature scenes. In the areas
with rich line and surface features, the positioning
accuracy of the proposed method is better than
Cartographer, primarily the positioning result on the
elevation and horizontal attitude. In areas lacking line
and surface features or with the ramped ground, the
positioning error of LeGO-LOAM is larger than the
proposed method, and it even crashed in some
challenging scenarios.
10. Attitude estimation methods using low-cost GNSS and MEMS MARG sensors and their integration
Wei Ding
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PDF file
For low-cost magnetic, angular rate, and gravity
(MARG) sensors based on the
microelectromechanical system (MEMS) technology,
the sensor errors and measurement noises are
significantly large. Attitude errors by integrating gyro
data accumulate rapidly. When the vehicle is
quasi-static, the roll and pitch angles can be
determined by accelerometer measurements which
use the local gravity as the reference. The
magnetometer is resorted to generate heading
information by measuring the geomagnetic field.
However, the accelerometer and magnetometer
measurements can be deteriorated by the vehicle
maneuver and ambient artificial magnetic
disturbances, respectively.
Thereby a quaternion-based error state Kalman filter
(ESKF) is developed to fuse the MEMS MARG
sensor measurements for accuracy improved attitude
estimation. The error state vector constitutes attitude
error and gyro bias variation. the gyro-measured
angular rates are used to continuously propagate the
vehicle’s three-dimensional attitude quaternion in its
sampling rate, whilst accelerometer and
magnetometer measurements are employed for the
state correction. Disturbances such as external accelerations and magnetic anomalies are excluded,
and the measurement noise covariance matrix is
adaptively adjusted according to the innovations.
Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) based
attitude estimation shows time-independent error
characteristics. The pitch and heading angles can be
determined using a single GNSS antenna based on the
time differenced carrier phase (TDCP) observations or
derived from a moving baseline formed between two
firmly mounted GNSS antennas. The major
challenges of the former include cycle slips, carrier
phase discontinuity, and slow vehicular velocity
which should be excluded from attitude estimation.
Whereas the integer ambiguity resolution is
indispensable for the latter, the baseline length
constrained least-squares ambiguity decorrelation
adjustment (C-LAMBDA) method can be applied.
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Journal of Global Positioning Systems
Published by
International Association of Chinese Professionals in
Global Positioning System (CPGPS)
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CPGPS, 2022. All the rights reserved.
Last Modified: March, 2022